Sunday, March 13, 2016

Palmiers (Elephant Ears)

I have made a cute but yet simple puff pastry called Palmiers or another name would be called Elephant ears. This caramelized, but yet simple pastry is made with two easy ingredients, puff pastry dough and granulated sugar. Palmiers are folded into a series of what we call in baking terms "book folds" that will semi expand in the oven with a wire rack onto so they won't puff out.
When baking my palmiers, I had realized a series of mistakes that could use some improving on. When the palmiers needed to be flipped when golden brown, they got stuck to the wire rack which resulted in cracking and crumbles of puff pastries. I also realized I may have taken them out of the oven way too soon because half of them were on the lighter side than a nice golden brown. The only tasks that I was proud of were the portioning and the cuts on how the finished product looked in the end. The taste of the palmiers was very bland and were very dry to the mouth. Personally they were fun to make, but not a type of puff pastry I would make again in a long time.

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